A common issue with a fresh installed OS and development software stack is that all three tools (Xdebug, PhpStorm, PHP-FPM) have their default port set to 9000. This will cause some errors (down below / at the end of article) while trying to debug in PhpStorm. The most simple (and fast) fix is to change […]

Salut! Repet ce am scris in titlu: Schimbati-va parolele periodic! Nu folositi aceeasi parola pe mai multe site-uri! Aveti parole diferite dupa gradul de risc! Am fost hack-uit. In sfarsit as zice! Zic “in sfarsit” pentru ca acum 10-15 ani cand m-am decis sa folosesc aceeasi parola peste tot, mi-am zis ca “ce poate merge […]